Giving Thanks!

GobbleGobbleGobble   Blue Orange is thankful for...   Thankful

[typography font=”Lobster” size=”26″ size_format=”px” color=”#030303″]Gobble, Gobble![/typography]  It is time to head to the store, grab the turkey, make the stuffing, & pour the gravy! But before the Thanksgiving cooking & Black Friday shopping begins, the Blue Orange team pauses to share what we are most thankful for:


“I am thankful for the [typography font=”Lobster” size=”17″ size_format=”px”]rain[/typography]
that is finally falling in California!”
Teresa, Customer Service Rep



“I am thankful to live in the
beautiful city of [typography font=”Lobster” size=”17″ size_format=”px”]San Francisco[/typography]
& for all of the nature that surrounds it.”
Brandan, Marketing & Product Development Associate

Rachel's Parents



“I am thankful for my [typography font=”Lobster” size=”17″ size_format=”px”]loving[/typography] parents who
taught me everything that I know.”
Rachel, Marketing Intern



“I am thankful for my
smart, beautiful, & loving
[typography font=”Lobster” size=”17″ size_format=”px”] daughter[/typography] .”
Kinga, Operations Manager



“I am thankful for
[typography font=”Lobster” size=”17″ size_format=”px”]Espresso[/typography], especially
on Monday mornings.”
Renaud, Regional Sales Manager

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”14.5″ size_format=”px”]Here at Blue Orange,
we want to wish you a[/typography]
[typography font=”Lobster” size=”18″ size_format=”px”]safe & happy holiday[/typography]
[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”14.5″ size_format=”px”]filled with love, laughter,
& overstuffed bellies![/typography]

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