Playing Games: a Doorway into Childhood

When I told a friend of mine that I would be working for a company that creates games, she said: “You will be rediscovering childhood!” She was right. Each process of game development takes me through another door to that treasure trove of memories. The past two months have zoomed by as I have immersed myself in play, while learning what it takes to make play happen. 

Growing up, I played games too. A few that stand out in my mind are Operation, Monopoly, Scrabble, Snakes & Ladders, and Etch a Sketch. I have this vivid memory of playing Operation with my brother and sister, meticulously handling the tiny tweezers, yet missing the wish bone! I can still hear that high-pitched buzzer go off and seeing the red nose of that naked man glow and all of us bursting into laughter. As I look back at that moment, it dawns on me that playing games is a wonderful way to spend time with loved ones, but there’s something deeper happening: playing games creates memories.


I would never have imagined that later on as an adult, I would be engaging in parallel activities, but with the purpose of testing games that go out to our consumers. It’s curious to see how people react to different outcomes, or see the wheels in their heads turning as they plan their next move. Beyond just being fun, games compel us to think strategically, or in ways other than from our daily activities. It is learning, but with a social component that connects people. Board games are a tried and true format that encourages social interaction. In this fast-paced digital age, there’s no better way to unplug and get together.

Can one create memories? We at Blue Orange are certainly helping to create lasting impressions. I think of kids playing our games, and see just how important that process is. Whether completing drawing challenges with Doodle Quest, or telling stories with Tell Tale, children and parents can play with a purpose.

There is a tendency to perceive playing games as just entertainment, that it’s something to keep little ones busy, but our mission reveals that it’s so much more. Although having fun is a big component, for children, play is a doorway into discovery and creativity. They discover new thought processes, and create a micro-world of their own making. I love rediscovering childhood through their eyes.

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