

Included in the WooFramework is a few custom shortcodes that you can use in all our themes. Shortcodes work in posts, pages and even widgets. For extensive overview on all available shortcodes and usage you can check out the WooCodex.


These CSS3 buttons look amazing in all modern browsers, and although they won’t look as amazing, they will still work in older browsers.

Colored Buttons


[button color=”red”]Button[/button]

[button color=”orange”]Button[/button]

[button color=”green”]Button[/button]

[button color=”aqua”]Button[/button]

[button color=”teal”]Button[/button]

[button color=”purple”]Button[/button]

[button color=”pink”]Button[/button]

[button color=”silver”]Button[/button]

Small and Large Buttons

[button size=”small”]Button[/button]


[button size=”large”]Button[/button]

[button size=”xl”]Button[/button]

Icons Buttons

[button style=”alert” color=”silver”]Button[/button]

[button style=”tick” color=”silver”]Button[/button]

[button style=”info” color=”silver”]Button[/button]

[button style=”note” color=”silver”]Button[/button]

[button style=”download” color=”silver”]Button[/button]

Custom Button

[button color=”#f0f0f0″ border=”#555″ style=”info” text=”dark” class=”my-button”]Button[/button]


Info Boxes

Info boxes are nice to use if you need to inform your site visitors of something in a more visual manner.

[threecol_one][box type=”info”]This is an info box[/box][/threecol_one]

[threecol_one][box type=”note”]This is a note box[/box][/threecol_one]

[threecol_one_last][box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]is is a tick box[/box][/threecol_one_last]


[threecol_one][box type=”download”]This is an download box[/box][/threecol_one]

[threecol_one][box type=”alert”]This is an alert box[/box][/threecol_one]


With this shortcode you can easily show related posts by tag. This only works on posts which have tags that exist on other posts.
[related_posts limit=”3″]

Social Buttons



[sixcol_one][digg style=”medium” float=”none”][/sixcol_one]

[sixcol_three_last][fblike style=”button”][/sixcol_three_last]


Horizontal Rule

You can easily break up your text on a page or post by adding either a horizontal rule or a divider (same as hr only no border).



Columns are an easy way to style your post or page with multiple columns, from two columns to six columns. You can make columns span more one column to mix column widths also.


Two columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.



Two columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.




Three columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.



Three columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.



Three columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.




Three columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.



Three columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.




Four columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.



Four columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.



Four columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.



Four columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.




Four columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.



Four columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.



Four columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.




Four columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.



Four columns
Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.




Add a styled quote to your page or post and float it left or right with or without box.

[quote]Pellentesque risus diam vestibulum phasellus, aliquam vivamus, tempus urna habitant tempus a et, aliquam maecenas molestie nullam.[/quote]


Icon Link

Add a styled link with an icon

You can go ahead and [ilink style=”download” url=””]Download[/ilink]


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