Free Parenting Webinar

Parenting Webinar

Is practicing better parenting strategies one of your New Year’s Resolutions? Well you’re in luck! We found out about this upcoming parenting webinar presented by Positive Parenting Solutions from one of our favorite bloggers at Lasso The Moon.

Parenting expert and TODAY Show contributor, Amy McCready will teach you why you need to ditch the strategies that are fundamentally flawed and what you can do instead.

Parents of toddlers to teens will learn… 

  • why kids really misbehave – it’s probably not what you think!
  • how your personality may actually fuel misbehavior
  • the 5 R’s of Fair & Effective Consequences so kids listen the first time you ask
  • training resources to reduce your parenting stress so you can stop nagging, reminding & yelling

You’ll walk away with concrete tools you can use immediately
to get your kids to cooperate without the slightest hint of whining, fussing or

NOTE: You can view the webinar on your iPad & iPhone with an app
called: Puffin Web Browser in the App store.  It is free for 14 days.

RSVP for the 1 hour parenting webinar on January 9, 9:00 pm EST

Parenting Webinar Positive Parenting Solutions


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